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Leigh Charity

Hugh Thomas

February 2023: School Trips:

Many will know that over the years the charity has helped with the cost of school trips for those at Ashton Keynes Primary School - we deal directly with the school.

However, we can also help with Secondary School trips - any parent in Leigh whose child might go on one is welcome to ask for a grant, normally 50% of the cost.

Please do not hesitate - the Charity is there to support Leigh residents!


The Leigh Charity was established in the 18th century and exists to help any resident of the village who is ‘in need’ – which the Trustees interpret as widely as possible.

In these difficult times we strongly encourage any resident who needs some help (or who knows someone else that does) to get in touch.

We have money in the bank which we can spend and there is no shame at all in asking for help.

Any application will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Get in touch with any of the Trustees listed below.

Hugh Thomas (Treasurer)

0771 201 9129

Roger Baker (Chair)

07973 932011

Richard Rumming

07977 901425

Keith Carter

07718 077574

Mike Bowness

07485 496135


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