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Community Speedwatch

Phil Ray

Disappearing are the days of the parish Community Speed Watchers standing at the side of the road with their day glow coats and speed guns, jotting down number plates of speeding vehicles whilst receiving a torrid of abuse.


Well, simply put, yes. Yes we do. In Leigh we wanted to free up our time, so we have taken action.

We have installed a speed watch device in one of our speed restriction zones providing us with a photo of the speeding vehicle.

Not only can we see the registration and the speed of the vehicle, but it will inform us if the vehicles MOT/Tax has expired.

The data and statistics it provides us has been a real eye opener.

Monitoring one of the speed restriction zones has shown us that at the time of writing, in the last 30 days:

  • 1778 vehicles have been verified as being above the speed limit

  • 2 vehicles verified were recorded at 28mph over the limit

  • 1 vehicle as been verified breaking the speed limit 13 times, 3 of those on the same day

  • 85 vehicles have had no MOT/Tax

On the 8th March a staggering 125 vehicles were verified as speeding with the average speeding offence being 11 Mph above the speed limit.

All information gathered is subject to data protection and shared with the local Police Authority.


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