Our website at www.mact.org.uk has more information
MACT is a local registered charity that grants sums of money to those on low incomes or in financial need in the Malmesbury Community Area in North Wiltshire.
It can also provide a grant to those entering into an apprenticeship to purchase tools/equipment and it can provide a bursary to students going to university from Malmesbury School.
Recent examples of grants provide would be:
* Fees for Duke of Edinburgh Scheme for a student
* Riding lessons for a disabled child
* 50% funding for a mental health counsellor for young people
* Funding for students to attend a school residential trip where the family is struggling financially
The Trust has 11 Trustees and it’s chair is Mrs Carole Soden.
If you need more information or have any questions please let me know and I will be delighted to help.
Best regards
Tony Moore
Clerk to the Trustees
Malmesbury Area Community Trust
Tel: 07973 646 869
Email: tony.moore49@outlook.com